A friend of mine, who's the mother of a 5 year old, recently asked me, "How do you know when your child is ready for kindergarten?" I have to say this is a valid question, and every parent of a young child wants and deserves an answer. However, it's not a simple answer. In fact, it has taken me several weeks to respond to this question because initially, I needed time to really think about my response, and then I became busy with the holidays and my daughters first birthday. Please forgive me for such a delayed response!
In my mind, there are three factors to consider when enrolling your child in Kindergarten. The first two, your child and the school's teaching philosophy, should not come as a surprise. No one knows your child better than you (the parent), so you should have a good idea of how long your child can sit and listen, what letters and numbers he/she recognizes, and if your child is introvert or extrovert with other children and adults. Girls tend to adjust to a school setting more easily than boys such as sitting at a desk, raising their hands to speak, and walking in a line, but that is not always the case. If you're worried your child will struggle with these tasks, you have options which I will address.
There is also ample research on the different learning styles of boys versus girls. A boy’s optimal teaching environment includes cooler temperatures, large spaces for moving, and loud voices. Girls, on the other hand, perform better in warmer rooms and less noise. Does this mean boys always need to be separate from girls? Not always, but there are special circumstances. If your male child is very active and would truly benefit from an environment for boys, you might want to check out schools that separate sexes. Once again, girls adapt better to the typical classroom environment, so there is a good chance your daughter will perform well in a developmentally appropriate school.
Also, most schools are very vocal about their philosophy because they don't want the school’s expectations to come as a surprise. Believe it or not, teachers and administrators want school to be a positive experience for children. When students struggle, everyone struggles including teachers, so checkout your child's future school website and talk to several parents of currently enrolled students. I believe parents can give an accurate view of a school's classroom environment and expectations, but make sure you get multiple opinions from trustworthy adults. For example, one school might say they are a hands-on/center based school compared to another school that focuses mainly on academics. However, when you take the school tour and see young children sitting at individual desks filling out worksheets and not engaged in centers, then you know the school is not adhering to their philosophy. Personally, I believe children learn the most in environments that encourage lifelong learners through play and hands-on activities. For more information, please checkout: http://www.det.nt.gov.au and http://www.playbasedlearning.com.au/.
The third factor to your child’s success in kindergarten is the teacher, and normally, parents are not notified of their child’s teacher until a few days before the new school year. I am a former early childhood educator, so I hope I don’t upset too many of my former teacher colleagues. Nevertheless, a teacher can make or break a child’s success in the classroom. I have to say, most kindergarten teachers are very patient, kind, and loving with young children. Early childhood teachers are usually well aware of the school district’s expectations and how hard they can push a young child before the point of frustration. However, some teachers are under-educated in early childhood development, short-tempered, or tired of unachievable expectations from districts and no longer have the patience to work with active young children. These are the type of teachers parents need to avoid!
How do you steer clear of this situation? Talk to other parents and ask for the names of well respected teachers. Then, write your school a letter requesting the kindergarten teacher you feel best matches your child’s needs. Even though many schools say they don’t take requests, most schools will take them into consideration. This also gives the parent peace of mind knowing his/her voice was at least heard. Parents can also request their child not to be placed in a classroom with another specific child, which is always better than requesting your child to be placed in a classroom with his/her friend.
Finally, it is up to the parents to decide if their child is ready for kindergarten. Most parents have a gut feeling telling them how their child will preform in kindergarten based on their child's personality, school environment, and possible teachers. I suggest weighing the pros and cons to make the best decision. I’m also leaving all my future parents of kindergarteners with a list of recommended kindergarten skills to help ease their minds. I believe these skills will boost young children's success in school, but please don’t feel your child needs to have full mastery in order to start kindergarten. They’re just recommendations from a former public school kindergartener teacher.
1. Writes first name. (All capital letters is fine)
2. Can tell you last name.
3. Can cut with scissors, tear tape, and put caps on markers.
4. Begins to hold a pencil firmly. Sometimes holds pencil loosely.
5. Recognizes 10-15 capital letters of the alphabet.
6. Knows the sounds of 5-10 letters.
7. Recognizes numbers 1-10.
8. Tells a story with a beginning and end to students and/or teacher.
9. Can listen to a short story without losing his/her attention.
10. Runs, hops, and skips. Climbs, slides, and rolls.
11. Can share or take a turn. (Some of the time)
12. Has an imagination. Imagination is seen through play, drawing, or building, and can take place in or outdoors.
13. Takes care of most restroom needs on own. Ex. Wiping, flushing, and washing hands.
14. Can dress him/ herself. (Most of the time)
15. Drinks out of a cup.
16. Good table habits. (Most of the time)
17. Can clean up and put things back where they belong!
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